Having successfully completed our gym, upstairs meeting room, office and kitchen with your huge support for our 24-24-24 fundraiser, the club is moving on to the next stage of development. Our vision involves regular upgrading of our facilities for the benefit of our members and the community.
Our most recent project was the replacement of the old concrete and wire paling with a new low boundary fence and walkway around the perimeter for members’ and community use. You may have noticed that the new fence contains a wall, which is designed to become a Supporters’ Wall.
The wall has three sides and will record, on special plaques, the names of those who support the project. We are asking our loyal followers and friends to buy a plaque for inclusion on the wall. It will include your name and message. Plaques cost €200.
The above image illustrates the layout of the plaques on the Supporters Wall. The club crest will be positioned centrally and the 200 plaques will be distributed evenly across the three splayed walls. Each plaque will be assigned a number and positioning on the wall will be determined by a lottery basis.
We are asking individual members or families to support us by sponsoring a personal plaque on the Supporters’ Wall. The plaques are of black granite with white script and each plaque will be 21cm by 9cm.
An individual plaque costs €200 and a maximum of 200 will be sold. The Supporters’ Wall is a practical and visual way of supporting your club and helping us fund the new fence and walkway, while leaving a lasting legacy at the club for you and your family.
Plaques are available to buy online:
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